Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Hey guys! It's me Mia here and I just wanted to give you a newsflash. Our latest writer, Spottyotty (The one who made Hollyleaf), is on vacation for three months, so I will be publishing Hollyleaf and his other characters pages until he comes back. Bye bye.


Welcome to TigerClan, The Clan of Ice. My name is Hollyleaf, a brave warrior of TigerClan. Our Clan is probably the most smallest, with less cats than LeopardClan and LionClan. But we are the closest Clan to NightClan, the spiritual Clan. We have protected dens underground for the winter, but in the summer, they have large, warm bush dens close to the allies territory. Well, I'll see you around. You'll surely meet some more warriors to show you around. It's time for me to head on my hunting patrol. BYE!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

LeopardClan- The Clan of Spots

Hm? Who are you? I suspect you are LeopardClan cats? Well, get in here, what do you have to report. If you are not a LeopardClan cat, I will kindly ask you to not come in. Yes, you can take a look but don't expect us to let you stay for long...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

LionClan- The Clan of the Sun

Hello, and welcome to LionClan. What's this? You're not from the clan? Then I suggest you get off our territory. I'll have a patrol escort you. You say you're just returning from the Sun Patrol? Oh! I'm so sorry, how could I have mistaken you? You should get some rest, it looks like you've earned it. I'm Lionstar, leader of LionClan. LionClan is known as Clan of the Sun because we have manes like the rays of the sun. We are known to be strong and courageous. We are known for many other things. We are known for being a great Clan. We are also fierce and brave. Our camp is a well hidden clearing with trees and bushes surrounding it. There are lots of allies around LionClan's border, but the allies are friendly. LionClan is in desperate need of a deputy. Leafpool is our medicine cat. Sandpaw is her apprentice. Time for lunch. Come, come. I have some fresh vole.

TigerClan- The Clan of Ice

Welcome to TigerClan. You say you're back from hunting? Great. Come on back. If you're not back from hunting I suggest you leave. My warriors can slash your pelt off. I'm Tigerstar, the leader of TigerClan. We pretty much all have eyes the color of ice. We are losing kits because of the allies, but I'm guessing you don't want to know. Our camp is located in the northern part of the Hidden Forest territories. We live near mountains and have thick coats of fur to stay warm from the harsh conditions. We are big as horses and have jet black stripes. Now, skitter back to your kittypet home or wherever you came from.